What Can I Do About My Stained Teeth?

Having a smile you’re proud of is a near-universal wish for most. Advances in cosmetic dentistry mean you can correct smile flaws faster than ever, but smile problems don’t always have to do with crooked or chipped teeth. Sometimes the only thing between you and a gorgeous smile is unsightly staining.
The Modern Age Dentistry team, with offices in Los Angeles, West Hills, and Ojai, California, offers stain-banishing treatment options that are far better than home remedies, which only work on some stains.
Dr. Ali Saeghi, who’s at the helm of Modern Age, adopts only the safest, most effective treatments and delivers them with care.
Many causes of stained teeth
Discolored teeth are the result of more than just what you eat and drink. Coffee, red wine, tobacco, and acidic sauces certainly are culprits, but you may have a systemic problem, or staining might be from an injury.
Teeth stains are linked to:
- Fluoride overexposure
- Health conditions like celiac disease
- Prescription antibiotic medications that treat everything from psychosis to acne
- Poor dental hygiene
- Aging (enamel thins and exposes your dentin, which yellows as years pass)
Your tooth color is a “luck of the draw” thing, too. Tooth color varies, and some families just tend toward having darker teeth.
No matter what’s causing your discoloration, Dr. Saeghi helps you determine which corrective treatment is right for you, based on the severity and origin of your staining.
Teeth whitening
Dr. Saeghi chose the Zoom by Phillips because it’s easy, effective, and requires just an hour of your time.
There’s no need for mixing because Zoom’s primary agent is a patented gel that’s ready to go when you arrive. After examining your teeth, Dr. Saeghi asks about your history of tooth sensitivity and performs the important task of precisely matching the treatment to your tooth shade.
We make sure you’re at ease and use special protective tools to isolate your teeth from the tissue in your mouth while you’re treated. We can apply a gel if you experience sensitivity. After it’s removed, you’re done. Just remember not to eat or drink for 30 minutes.
Dr. Saeghi explains how to preserve your whitening results by doing things like using a straw when you drink anything dark and brushing your teeth daily with a whitening toothpaste. He also recommends products you can use for the periods between whitening treatments, so your smile continues to dazzle!
Veneers are wafer-thin sheets that Dr. Saeghi adheres to your teeth after some preparatory steps. Veneers are a great choice for intrinsic stains, since whitening generally doesn’t remove them. As with whitening, he assesses your mouth, takes X-rays, and takes mouth impressions to ensure that your treatment’s completely customized.
Prior to applying the veneers, Dr. Saeghi puts a numbing agent around your teeth and carefully removes just a bit of enamel to “roughen up” the surfaces of your teeth so the veneers will bond to them fully. He makes a new impression of these teeth and sends it to a laboratory for the veneer fabrication.
You return to our office when the veneers arrive, and we clean your teeth and prepare them for bonding. After ensuring that the veneers fit properly and are the right shade, Dr. Saeghi places them using a special cement, and exposes them to a light that hastens drying time.
After removing any wayward dental cement, Dr. Saeghi does a final check on your veneers’ fit and asks you how they feel.
Dental veneers are quite natural looking because they have the same reflective qualities as your own teeth and are a viable option whether you have a single tooth to treat or more.
Dental crowns
Dental crowns are tooth coverings that hide many problems, including stains. They’re made from a variety of materials including metal and resin, but Dr. Saeghi favors ceramic, as they're sturdy and natural-looking. After taking X-rays and numbing your tooth and surrounding gum, he files your tooth down to accommodate the crown.
The impressions we take of your “new” tooth, and above and below it, are what the crown is modeled after. Most crown procedures require two visits, but we have the capability of doing the full procedure in just a single visit, thanks to our on-site crown-making unit. This saves you time and trouble.
Dr. Saeghi places your crown carefully after numbing your mouth again after it’s delivered, and makes certain you’re experiencing no discomfort and are pleased with its appearance.
Crowns are not only easy to match with your existing teeth, they’re fantastic if you have severe staining.
Check out our “Before and After” page to see great real-life results. And don’t forget, as an added comfort, you can arrange to see our resident therapy dog, Princess!
Start your journey to stain-free teeth by contacting one of our conveniently located offices. You can call or book an appointment online.
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