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The Many Benefits of New Astra Dental Implant

Missing teeth can be embarrassing and can keep you from living life to the fullest. Wouldn’t you love to enjoy all your favorite foods again, or maybe just feel confident about your appearance?

According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, 500,000 Americans a year opt to replace missing teeth and restore their smiles with dental implants. That’s about 3 million Americans who are walking around smiling and showing off their teeth.

This permanent teeth replacement process provides you with the ultimate do-over — a beautiful, natural-looking set of teeth that’s so much like the way your teeth used to look (or better) that no one will know they aren’t your natural teeth.

But traditional implants take time, and you may not want to wait months to get your perfect set of permanent teeth. Ali Saeghi, DDS, at Modern Age Dentistry shares some insights on a variation of this treatment called a one-piece dental implant, which may interest the I-want-it-yesterday folks.

First, let’s look at how traditional implants work. For the past three decades, most dental implants were based on a two-piece design made up of the surgical implant, which essentially serves as the tooth root, and prosthetic or abutment, which is the artificial tooth. The two-piece implant system is completed over the course of several months and only after the implants have properly fused to your jawbone.

Although both the traditional two-piece dental implant system and the one-piece system offer a premium solution to replacing missing teeth, the one-piece system has many compelling benefits worth reviewing.

No Open Surgeries

One-piece dental implants are installed using a less invasive, flapless surgical technique. For you, that means no open surgery and most importantly, it’s a single-day surgical technique in many cases. One and done and it’s not oral surgery spread over several months? Talk about win-win.

Quicker Placement of Crowns

With one-piece implants, dentists can place dental crowns much sooner than with traditional implants. Often, they can put the crowns in as soon as the day after the implants were placed.

Fewer Parts, More Durable

One-piece implants are like solid-state electronics: Fewer parts means fewer things to maintain. One single component provides you with a strong, solid system that you can easily maintain through professional checkups and adhering to good at-home dental hygiene.

With proper care, one-piece implants can serve you for a lifetime. That’s years of healthy smiles and lots of all your favorite foods.

Enhanced Satisfaction and Savings

Quicker, easier, and less invasive makes one-piece implants a patient-friendly option for people who prefer dental implants to dentures but also want a speedier timeline. After all, quick and easy are two words that make almost anything a better option. One-piece implants also tend to be more affordable because they require less hardware and fewer office visits.

If you have been considering dental implants, but don’t want to wait several months to get them, contact us at Modern Age Dentistry to find out if you are a candidate for one-piece dental implants. Make an appointment at one of our convenient locations in Ojai, West Hills, or Los Angeles, California, by booking online or calling today.

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