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How Tending to Your Dental Health May Guard Against Cancer

How Tending to Your Dental Health May Guard Against Cancer

We know, we know. You’ve heard from your dentist thousands of times about the importance of taking great care of your teeth every day. You know the drill (pun intended) — brush thoroughly twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste and floss daily. Eating a nutritious diet and steering clear of smoking are also important to your oral health. Finally, never skip your routine dental cleanings and checkups.

You’re aware that this daily routine keeps cavities and gum disease at bay, but did you also know that it reduces your risk for multiple types of cancer? It’s true!

Dr. Ali Saeghi and the patient-focused team at Modern Age Dentistry are here for all your dental needs, from restorations to emergency dentistry, but they’re also highly invested in your long-term oral health — which directly impacts your overall health.

Proper oral care prevents more than cavities and gum disease

We now know that your oral health has a profound influence on your general health. In addition to putting you at risk for serious chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes, failing to take proper care of your teeth can increase your risk for some cancers — and not just oral cancer.

This is because the long-term effects of lax oral hygiene first affect your mouth by causing decay, tooth loss, and advanced periodontitis (gum disease), but then impact you systemically, since the bacteria in your infected gums can enter your bloodstream.

Poor oral health is linked to:

People who take poor care of their teeth are also more likely to engage in other behaviors that put them at higher risk for gum disease, such as eating foods high in sugar and smoking. 

Can brushing and flossing lower my cancer risk? Yes!

Now that you understand just how vital taking good care of your teeth and gums is to your entire body, it’s high time to prioritize excellent daily care so you can avoid gum disease — and worse.

If you haven’t paid proper attention to your teeth and gums but want to start, Dr. Saeghi can help. He can evaluate your teeth and gums and recommend treatment if you’re experiencing any symptoms of gum disease, which include swollen gums that bleed when you brush and floss, bad breath, loose teeth, or pain.

He can provide a deep cleaning treatment called tooth scaling and root planing, which involves removing hardened tartar from your teeth and their roots. This treatment typically requires multiple visits, but the exact number is determined after Dr. Saeghi carefully evaluates the condition of your gums. During treatment, we ensure your comfort.

Don’t delay seeking treatment if you have symptoms of gum disease. You can turn things around with the right treatment and by adopting good oral care habits — and at the same time, lower your risk for cancer!

Call the Modern Age Dentistry office that’s most convenient for you or book an appointment with us online. We have offices in Los Angeles, West Hills, and Ojai, California.

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