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5 Top Reasons Why Invisalign® Remains Popular for Teeth-Straightening

Whether you missed the braces boat when you were younger or your teen (well, their teeth) needs a little straightening out, Invisalign is a fantastic solution that gives every member of the family something to smile about.

Here at Modern Age Dentistry, we’ve helped our clients at our three offices in Ojai, Atwater Village, and West Hills, California get straight teeth without messy and cumbersome metal braces. If you’d like to explore the top five reasons why our clients are so enthusiastic about Invisalign, read on.

  1. Barely there

As the name implies, Invisalign straightens your teeth with clear aligners that are nearly invisible. This means that there are no metal brackets and wires, no food struck to your dental work, and no sore gums. The aligners fit snugly over your teeth, enabling you to talk and smile as you normally would, while your smile still remains your defining feature, not your braces.

This benefit works for all ages, from self-conscious teens to working adults who want to enter the next staff meeting with confidence.

2. Making quick work

Many of our clients wonder whether the price to be paid for the “barely there” benefit of Invisalign is that they may not work as fast as traditional metal braces. On the contrary, Invisalign uses a special patented material called SmartTrack™, which anticipates the movement of your teeth and keeps them on track throughout your treatment.

Every one to two weeks you swap out your aligners for new ones, whereas with metal braces you would need to come in for tightening every few weeks. If you opt to swap out your aligners every week, you may be able to straighten your teeth faster than metal braces can, by up to 50%.

3. A solution for every problem

Invisalign is able to correct the same issues that traditional braces can, including gapped teeth, overbite, underbite, crossbite, and crowded teeth.

4. A timeout

Another great benefit of Invisalign that we can’t underscore enough is the fact that they’re removable. This means that you can take them out when you eat and when you brush your teeth, avoiding the staining and food entrapment that are part and parcel of metal devices.

This feature is also especially handy if your teen has a special event or you have an important meeting with a client and want to put aside the aligners for a couple of hours. Though we recommend that you keep your aligners in for 22 hours a day, you do have the ability to ”cheat” every once in a while for important occasions, without interrupting the overall straightening process.

5. A little oversight

Speaking of cheating, we understand that teens can be forgetful, which is why Invisalign aligners come with a discreet blue dot that measures the use of each aligner and lets you know when to put in a new one. Think of it like those toothbrushes with colored bristles that begin to fade after a certain amount of use, letting you know it’s time for another one. With this feature, you can make sure your teen is wearing the aligners for the recommended amount of time.

Ultimately, Invisalign is a terrific solution for anyone, no matter their age, who wants straighter teeth without the hassle of metal braces.

If you’d like to explore why so many of our clients have turned to Invisalign, we invite you to give us a call, or you can use our online scheduling tool to set up a consultation.

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